Saturday, December 15, 2012

Visit from Critter Guy- Vertebrate Experience

This week we invited the Critter Guy (Mr. Paul) to come to the school and share his 'critters' with us.  As we have wrapped our study of the five types of vertebrates, it is fun to have him come and show us some other interesting animals.  He is excellent with explaining the various characteristics of the different types.  Paul lets the children participate and answer questions so they can use what they have learned over the previous weeks.  He brings four types (fish don't travel well) and lets the children interact with the animals.  First up was Woody the tree frog!  He uses his suction cup toes to stick on a string! 
Next up was the Box Turtle.  This one was very entertaining as he was competely in his shell.  Paul showed us how he closes up entirely if he is afraid.  We also got to watch him come out of his shell to eat his breakfast.  He did move fast when he heard the sound of the breakfast bag opening!

The blue tongued skink was another fun reptile to have.  The children loved watching his blue tongue come out to smell.  They also thought it was funny to watch him walk and take breaks to catch his breath.  He moves SLOWLY!

Blue Tongued Skink hanging around and eating the left over breakfast from the Box Turtle.
Mr. and Mrs. Dove are always a hit!  We were able to hear her laughing at him once they were back in the travel case. 
The Chinchilla is always a favorite!  (Some children called it a big mouse!)  It is SO soft! 
Finally Noah the Boa came out to visit! 
Most children were very interested in the snake and wanted to interact with him.  It was fun to feel the backbone as he moved slowly across our legs.  Big thanks to Paul for coming back again this year!!   

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