Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Toward the end of the year, we studied space!  We learned about the solar system, several planets, the Earth and how the planets rotate around the sun. 
Last year, we had the pleasure of having a student in our school whose parents were visiting astronomers from Venezuela!  They made planet models for us and we used them again this year to rotate around the sun.  Here this group each had a planet (some comets and asteroids too) and they practiced rotating around the sun in the middle!
We also had coloring pages for the planets.  Here a child decided to cut them out and glue them onto a background.  He then labeled each planet.
 We made a beautiful Venus! 
This child spontaneously drew Earth on the easel.  He loved telling us all about what he drew on the Earth! 

Spontaneous writing!

In a Montessori classroom, there should be many opportunities for spontaneous writing!  Here a child was so excited about her nail polish, she wanted to write it down and draw a picture!
She rolled out a rug, got the moveable alphabet and sounded out the words!  She then traced her hand and had her story.  These opportunities help her to understand how to sound out words, how to write a story and that she has something to say.  She was quite proud of herself and couldn't wait to take it home and show her mom!


Extension of the Geometric Cabinet

Some of the older children have worked often with the Geometric Cabinet and like to complete extensions.   Here a child uses stamps and colored pencils to create a book of geometric shapes.  They are familiar with the names and have now started to write everything down.  They enjoy making books of their own to take home.  

Strawberry Hulling (and eating!)

A wonderful and tasty practical life (food prep) activity is strawberry hulling.  Here the child learns how to place their fingers in the special tool.  (First they put on an apron, carry the tray to a table and wash their hands.)
The child then takes off the green part by pushing down the tip of the huller and twisting. 
 After she is done hulling she places the green part in a small bowl (to be throw away or composted later) and eats the yummy strawberry!